New Location and Times

I’m pleased to share that I have now moved to Tullamarine Osteopathy at 55 Broadmeadows Road Tullamarine.

The Brooklyn clinic is now permanently closed.

New Availability

Monday: 9am - 7:30pm

Wednesday: 9am - 7:30pm

Friday: 9 a.m. – 7:30 p.m

Saturday: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m

These will be my regular hours moving forward but may be subject to change.

I’m also taking appointments this Friday, 27 September, over the Grand Final public holiday.

Thanks for your understanding, and I look forward to seeing you soon.

Moving Date

Just a reminder that SergeTherapy will be moving to a new location from September to Tullamarine Osteopath Clinic at 55 Broadmeadows Road in Tullamarine. The exact opening date is still not confirmed but it is expected to be late September. The Brooklyn clinic will be permanently closed from the 15th of September.

SergeTherapy is on the move

After 7 years of providing remedial massage therapy at Metal Therapy in Brooklyn, it's time to move to a new location. Though the exact date has not been confirmed, I'm hoping to start mid September. You will be able to find me at Tullamarine Osteopathy, located next to the roundabout at 55 Broadmeadows Road Tullamarine.

I’ve truly enjoyed working out of Brooklyn and being part of such a great community. Your support and trust have been invaluable, and I'm grateful to all of you.

To book a treatment at my Brooklyn clinic, please make sure you do so within the next six weeks. Once I have confirmed the exact moving date, I will keep you posted.

Thank you for your continued support, and I look forward to welcoming you to my new space at Tullamarine Osteopathy.

Holiday Times

SergeTherapy will close for the holidays from the Monday 25th December and will reopen on Monday 8th January. There are still availabilities from Monday this week till Saturday 23rd December.

Book online now to secure your treatment before the end of the year

Gift Vouchers

Unsure what to get that special someone for Christmas ? Give the gift of good health. Gift vouchers are available for 30, 60 and 90 minutes.

Purchases can be made by coming into SergeTherapy, calling or texting. Vouches can be mailed out at no extra charge.

You will also be supporting a local Australian business instead of a multi national.

Stretch and Strengthen

I cannot stress enough the importance of stretching and strengthening muscles. Tight muscles leads to poor range of motion, poor range of motion leads to poor function of the body, which ultimately leads to poor form. Function follows Form.

Strengthening leads to stability in the body. A strong and stable body can help support injuries the body may have. I always recommend functional fitness as it will strengthen secondary muscles.

Relaxation Therapy

Why spend $100+ on relaxation massages at a day spa when you can receive the same treatment from a qualified therapist? Take a break from the kids or a long day at work by winding down with a treatment designed to relax and de-stress.

Relaxation Massage vs Remedial Massage

What is the difference between relaxation massage and remedial massage?

Most people think remedial massage and relaxation massage are the same. There are significant differences in each of these styles of treatments and what they achieve.


A relaxation massage is focused on destressing the mind and loosen up your muscles. Consider it TLC for your body. It is not really used for treating chronic pain or ailments. The strokes are long and flowing with little to reasonable amount of pressure. The beauty of a relaxation massage is that you can have it done every day.


If you have chronic pain such as a sore back, stiff neck, sports injuries, or even sciatica, you will want to have a remedial massage treatment.

Unlike relaxation massages, a great deal of care is taken into postural and physical assessments. Range of motion of muscles are measured as well as orthopedic tests being conducted. Short and long term treatment goals are worked out in form of future treatment plans and home exercises.

The treatment is focused on the problem area and the areas which may be causing it. Strokes are more dynamic using such techniques as muscle mobilisation and trigger point therapy.

Since it is a ‘deeper’ style massage, muscles, tendons, ligaments and connective tissues can be worked on instead of just superficial layers.

It’s usually not recommended to have remedial massage treatments everyday as it does take time for the body to recover. Frequency will depend on the nature of the injury and the response to the treatment.

Chronic Pain

Don’t wait for an injury or pain to become chronic. Have it attended to sooner than later. Not all pain will ‘go away’. Chronic pain can take much longer to heal if left untreated.

Revised Holiday Times

Hope you all had a great and relaxing holiday and ready for the new year.

We will be opening a little earlier than planned. Will be taking bookings from This Saturday 15th January.

Text or call on 0402908740 to arrange a booking.

Holiday Timetable Update:

CLOSED : December 25th - January 12th

OPEN: January 13th - January15th

CLOSED: January 16th - January 18th

OPEN: January 19th onwards.

I will be responding to text messages during the holiday break if you would like to book in appointments.